School break - the painful beginning

At about 10:00 on the last day of the term, September 23, I got the 4th toe on my right foot stuck in a drain grate. When I looked down, there was more blood than toe visible. On further examination, the toe was sagging below the others, and I looked up and said to my horrified class, "Yup. That's broken." Thank you to Heyha for letting me lean on him, and the kind teacher who happened to be motorcycling past - both of these people allowed me to get to the nurse's office without crawling. In the nurse's office, my classmates cleaned up the wound as best they could. Anyway, any American readers are wondering why my classmates were cleaning my wound. I'd been to the office once before with a smaller cut on my foot (this one had happened earlier, while swimming, and reopened), and that time also, students applied disinfectant and a bandage. It is apparently just the way things are done. The earlier cut was thanks to one of these if I'm not mistaken. ...