
Well, that week went fast. On Monday my host mom took me to school late (on purpose) so that I could go straight to class after we sorted things out in the office. The office for me is the English Program office, which is air conditioned to 23 Celsius, so nice for a few minutes and unbearably cold after that. The head teacher, Teacher Rongrath, has been in charge of at least 25 exchange students before me, so she gave me the choice of studying in the English immersion program or in the Thai program (I chose Thai). She has since set up Muay Thai (Thai boxing) lessons for me and the other exchange student, Indira from Brazil, and also lessons in two art disciplines, coffee painting and gold leaf. The school itself is more like a small college to Americans, with several buildings, a fitness suite, picnic tables, a pond, and arboretum style gardens. Modelling the school uniform The English program staff My class, 5/7 for the 7th classroom at the 5th year...